Lawrence Tech has developed a number of policies and procedure documents to assist researchers in applying for and administering funded research projects.
Financial Conflict of Interest in Research
Lawrence Tech is committed to assuring objective, responsible, and ethical conduct or reporting of research. Policy on Financial Conflict of Interest in Research requires disclosure of financial interest by investigators, research and administrative staff, responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research.
In addition to externally funded projects, Lawrence Tech has also established intellectual property applying to inventions created by faculty members.
Intellectual Property Policy PDF
Lawrence Tech's intellectual property policy applies to research, scholarly, and creative works developed by faculty members and students.
Invention Disclosure Form PDF
The invention disclosure form is referenced in the intellectual property policy, and should be used whenever a faculty member invents a new device, product, or service which has benefited from significant use of University resource.
License Agreement PDF
The draft License Agreement can be used to agree upon terms and conditions to formally transfer intellectual property, patents, and technical information related to the design, manufacture and sale of products owned in totality or partially by the University under the terms of the Intellectual Property policy. The draft License Agreement is provided to allow for a better understanding of the content, information, and legalities involved in the "Tech Transfer" of intellectual property, and can be used as the basis for developing a licensing agreement when a tech transfer opportunity arises. The actual terms of a licensing arrangement that seeks to license IP rights held by Lawrence Tech must be approved by College and University administration.
Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement PDF
The draft Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement can be used in situations where discussions require the disclosure by one party to the other of confidential and/or proprietary information in the course of evaluating a potential relationship.