ehelp Printing

Network Printers

Students, Faculty, and Staff may print to various network printers on campus. If connected wirelessly, you must be connected to the LTU Network (not LTU Guest) to access any LTU printers with the exception of Hot Spot printers.

Printers are named to match their building and room locations. For example, printer S110 is located in room 110 of the Science building. See the list of public printers and installation instructions below.

Public Printers



Option 1- Preferred Method (Active LTU Users, LTU & Personal Computers)
  1. Navigate to the Windows 10/11 search bar. This is located on the left side of the taskbar.
  2. Type \\print and press Enter .
    If you know the name of the printer you want to install, you can enter it directly into the command box: For example, to install printer C203, enter the command \\print\PublicLibrary and click ‘OK.’
  3. If you are prompted to sign in, please enter "campus\" before your username.
  4. Icons will display for all network printers on the print server. Find the printer you want to install and double click on the printer icon. During this process, the printer driver is being installed on your system. When the printer window opens, the printer is installed and ready to use.

Option 2- Mobility Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Mobility Printing instructions
Option 3- Web Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)Option 4- Hotspot Printing (Active LTU Users & Non-LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Hotspot Printing instructions


Option 1- Preferred Method (Active LTU Users, LTU & Personal Computers)
  1. Click on the System Preferences.
  2. Click on Print & Scanners
  3. Click on the Plus Sign “+”
  4. Click on IP and enter the information below:

    Protocol: Line Printer Daemon - LPD
    Queue: is the printer name, for example PublicAAC
    Name: put the same thing as the queue name, for example PublicAAC
    Location: (leave blank)
    Use: Generic PCL Printer

  5. Click add
Option 2- Mobility Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Mobility Printing instructions
Option 3- Web Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)Option 4- Hotspot Printing (Active LTU Users & Non-LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Hotspot Printing instructions


Option 1- Mobility Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Mobility Printing instructions
Option 2- Hotspot Printing (Active LTU Users & Non-LTU Users Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Hotspot Printing instructions


Option 1- Mobility Printing (Active LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Mobility Printing instructions
Option 2- Hotspot Printing (Active LTU Users & Non-LTU Users, Personal Computers)
  • Please click here for Hotspot Printing instructions

Print Management Software

LTU's print management software is Papercut .

Black and white public printer release stations  Users just need to click the Quick Release button on the client to release.

Public Print Release Station Instructions

The printLab color printers and plotters are now also managed by Papercut. All color and plot jobs can only be released by printLab staff. Printing in color requires users to pay via PayPal.

Color Print Job Payment Instructions.

The CoADNorthBW and CoADNorthColor print queues are handled by a single release station. Black and white jobs can be released the same as any other public printer on campus. Color jobs will require Papercut credit, and to release these jobs, users will have to log into the release station using their normal network credentials. Card swipe is not available at this location. Credit on Papercut account is the only way to release jobs at this location.